Kyle Cease: Why Peoples Opinions of You Aren’t Real


It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian, a Buddhist, or an atheist… we all have this part of us that just wants to create and express ourselves completely. What we call that part of ourselves really doesn’t matter—people get so caught up trying to name things that they completely miss the point. All that matters is that we connect to that place inside and allow ourselves to get lost in our creativity so we can bring something beautiful into the world.

The problem is, the world has taught us not to connect to that place; instead, we’re trained to connect to everything but that place. We’re supposed to connect to the television, the news, the brands and the society that has tricked us into believing that we’re not enough as we are… and so we get caught in the cycle of trying to find love outside of ourselves in the form of food, money, superficial relationships, clothes, cars, and autographed Back to the Future posters … that last one is probably more me than you, but you get the point.

When we were kids, we didn’t care about any of that crap because we lived in the knowing that “You are what you love, not what loves you.”

When we were kids we just played and did what we loved to do. We created. We danced and sang all day. We didn’t care what people thought about us or what our ex-girlfriend was doing. We were totally free and pretended that we were fireman or astronauts or veterinarians. Our imagination was limitless and our creativity is what was running us. We were living from in to out. As time went on, we learned from society to shut off the oil well of possibilities that lived inside of us and to start moving from out to in. We learned that we can’t do the things that we want to do and that it’s “not that easy.” We learned that there’s not enough to go around and that the only way to feel security in this world is to get as much as possible and hold on to it as tight as you can.

Instead of working on getting as much as we can externally, what if we were focused on growing as much as we can internally? What if we were able to go back to that child-like state where we were filled with wonder and possibility and the desire to play full-out? What if we could step out of the box the world has put us in and realize that life is just one big playground of opportunity? What if you could let go of the results and allow life to lead you into a life that’s even more amazing and fulfilling than you could have ever planned?

Well, you can. Start to enjoy the process of working on yourself. Start to find your own inner fulfillment instead of external distraction. Start acting on what is exciting to you in the moment instead of what you’re supposed to do.

You are what you love, not what loves you.

-Kyle Cease


Building your Spiritual Bridge

When we suffer from an illness as simple as a cold to catastrophic life changing events this provides us with an opportunity to reflect, to rest to ponder to take charge of your life. Not only does this affect you but everyone around you as well giving them the time for the same reflection. During this down time, reflection turns within, an opportunity, the crack between your physical health and your spiritual being needs a bridge, going within builds the bridge bringing you to wholeness, the illness may not go away, does not necessarily go away, the condition may be with you your entire life, always there reminding you to push yourself forward, to go within, to know that you are greater than the flesh.

Through energy work you can open that spiritual door to dwell in that room in your life, to walk across that bridge. Past life regression and BioEnergy opens a door to your spiritual self, clearing the path for you, bring the self-realization of you into the present life.

To walk daily in the very Knowing of your Divinity

We sometimes fail ourselves, We forget our beliefs, We go through some scary dark places; a reminder arrives that We are not alone, We are on the right path; then with each step We look up, and forward with compassion and love for all the sights that fill our eyes.


Take a walk with Laurie

Thursday May 12th – A medicinal weed walk

Come take a walk around the fields and woods of the Divine Energy Center and meet some common local plants that can offer you simple and gentle aid or nourishment in our day to day life. This is meant to be an introduction to identify, connect with, and use the helpful plants that are all around us. Natural bug and tick repellent will be provided, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer!

Thursday May 19th – Pick your own herbs and make a tincture or oil

A lesson on how to make some of your own herbal products; you can pick your own herbs here at the Divine Energy Center or choose from several others that will be provided to make an herbal extract (tincture) or an herb infused oil. Materials will be provided.

Thursday May 26th – Make your own healing salve

Learn how to make your own healing salve with all natural ingredients. We will use local beeswax and other natural ingredients to make a salve that you can tailor to your own needs. Materials will be provided.

The fee is a suggested donation of $15 per class; registration required.

Open Yourselves Up To The New from Eileen Caddy

Guidance from Eileen Caddy

Open Yourselves Up To The New

Open yourselves up to the New. Let it enter into your consciousness and expand it. There is always something more to be learnt, something more to be absorbed and understood. But as long as you keep the doors of your consciousness locked, all this has to be dormant until of your own free will you unlock those doors and let in the light of truth until it floods your whole being, filling you with Light. Light absorbs light – and more Light until you become a being of Light, free from all earthly ties, living and moving and having your being in the Spirit, living in that new dimension where there are no barriers, where all is freedom.

6 May 2016


A human being having a spiritual experience or are you a Spiritual Being having a human experience?

Light111Do you want to find out where you are on your path during this lifetime, maybe you sense you have done this before, or just maybe you realize you are in a pattern and like being caught up in the undertows of a great water fall you would like to rock your way out to flow into new beginnings. No one can do this for you; but there are plenty of tools to assist you on your way. There is and will always be a connection for you to the right person, practitioner or tool to assist you; trust that sense of Knowing.

Practitioners are arriving daily to assist you with their tools and their knowledge; if you don’t find what you’re looking for keep looking; remembering you are a Spiritual Being living the human experience.

Ever evolving…..




717 or 17

When I see repeating numbers I immediately wonder if there is a message from my higher self/guides that they are sending me, or maybe an answer to an over asked question. This morning sitting at my computer I checked the time, it was 7:17 on the 17th.

From sacred scribes angel numbers;

“Number 7 lends its attributes of inner-wisdom and mysticism, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, persistence of purpose, understanding and good fortune. Number 1 resonates with the attributes of positive energies, new beginnings, motivation, will power, inspiration, attainment and happiness, knowledge and understanding.”

“Angel Number 717 is a message from the angels and Archangels that the new beginnings and opportunities occurring in your life will bring you into full alignment with your Divine life purpose and soul mission. You are encouraged to follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels regarding your next steps.”

“…717 indicates that positive changes in your life have put you on the right track in regards to your life purpose and mission.”

My studio is open; an absolutely awesome Past Life Regression event on Saturday with Sisters Revibe, practitioners and workshops filling up the studio calendar, a new venue for my meet up group in Amherst MA.…

Thank you to everyone in my life!

What a great way to start the day!


The Divine Energy Center is Complete

We have been working diligently here at my home, in Cossayuna, NY, to ready the the Divine Energy Center Studio for workshops and guest practitioners. There have been set backs along the way, but nothing that could not be overcome by simply taking a little bit more time for completion than we anticipated. The biggest hurdle was working with plumbing; old and new! When you come to visit us, be aware that the driveway will not be repaired from winter’s damage until May. So please take your time while traversing what may appear as a logging road but in reality is the driveway for the studio.Welcome to the Studio!

Our first event is a past life regression workshop on Saturday, Marth 19th at 10:00am. We have a special, introductory donation price of $12. Please wear loose fitting clothes, yoga type, for your comfort; did you know the energy flow can be constricted at the solar plexus because we wear clothing that is too tight. Avoid wearing strong body perfumes or loud jewelry.  For this event you will need to bring a yoga mat, pillow, light blanket and a scarf to cover your eyes if needed. Please know that I have a beautiful dog with a gentle soul and a Cat who is my house guest, a heads up if you should be allergic to pets. I will have bottled water, coffee, tea and light snacks. The studio can be found at 313 Riddle Rd Cossayuna, NY 12823. Please call me at 518-796-7975 if you need help with directions. The workshop is limited to 20 participants, so please reserve your spot through Paypal on the righthand side if you know you will be coming.

The workshop will start with a quick introduction and an exercise in guided imagery, from there we will flow right into visiting a past life, you will have time after visiting your past life to write down your adventure, please bring your journal for notes, there will be time to share your thoughts if you want too. Please know for approximately three days give or take during your sleep time you will find more information coming through about your past life.  Keep your journal handy for further note taking on your past life.

This is such an exciting time to bring these events to our community. We will have an array of practitioners coming to the Divine Energy Studio to offer message circles, energy therapy and workshops, hypnosis workshops, meditation, kundalini, etc; the list is only limited by our own imaginations.

Meditation; The Lion

I saw the eyes of the lion, they grew brighter and brighter…gold…they dimmed there gold brilliance when I drew back to see the entire picture; that is when I realized there was a human figure wearing the lions head, cloaked in the lions skin. He asked me for my help, he had an infection in his right foot and ankle, a cellulitis, the area was an angry reddish purple color and swollen so the skin was taught. I offered him my Black Salve, this is an old time family recipe, a drawing salve, and then I did my BioEnergy work with him. He offered a small leather pouch of corn seeds in exchange for my help, I declined explaining his tribe needed the corn seeds for food; I would take a bead from his head dress instead. The bead wouldn’t come off; he said I had to take the leather pouch and the corn seeds. I took the seeds trying to figure out where I would plant them, there were 40 seeds in the pouch, I planted them in groups of ten around my bee house, I shelter my bee hives in a building from the weather, the corn grew instantly, growing as tall as the building they were planted next too. As I asked questions of myself the meditation faded away.

A thought from my dear friend Diane Finn about the meaning of my meditation;

Your meditation: The Lion represents strength and courage, royal bloodlines. You may have or will help someone of importance, as a result you will be rewarded for your efforts. You draw upon your ancient wisdom ( old family recipes) to assist you in the healing. Corn seeds are sacred, a gift from the gods and a staple of life. 40 is a divine number ( generally a transformation period- aka 40 days fasting is where most gurus gain enlightenment, Noah’s 40 days of rain & such. The corn seeds are planted around your bee hives, nectar of the gods, another gift to humanity….. and bees also sustain life in the balance of nature. Corn seeds growing fast and tall, you are being gifted a new seed (a new gift, direction or dream) over the next 40 days it will unfold and sprout. Bringing growth and success to you. This was a wonderful and beautiful meditation and gift. I’m excited for you!

Ever Evolving


Diane can be found at



The process of meditation is unique for everyone. I had the pleasure of attending a class @ Revibe given by Robert Hernandez. This class was a challenge for me as I meditate in the privacy of my studio, lying down for comfort as my back and neck does not tolerate the yogi position of meditation for extended periods of time; where in this class I found myself sitting up, comfortable on a couch for 30 minutes of introduction and 30 minutes of meditation.

Dec 2015

Winter at the Stuido

As the meditation started I saw the familiar light purple dot, circular, bouncing around in the area of my third eye. Then appeared a pulsating yellow dot that was lower than the purple dot in my sight…then more colored dots appeared lined up in a vertical manner, I realized I was looking at the human chakra. The colors faded in and out, I was having difficulty holding the picture when a human figure appeared floating, sitting yogi style in the middle of a pyramid. I found myself trying to understand what I was seeing, I have a tendency to work to hard at that, like reinventing the wheel, when I do this what I am looking at tends to fade away, which it did.
Other than the crack my neck made when we were finished, sounding like a tree limb snapping off in a wind storm, I loved my time at this meditation class; we are all students and we are all teachers.
Ever Evolving