Bio-Energy Wellness Technique

Bio-Energy Wellness Technique, without understating its powerful effects, is a form of Reiki, referencing one of my clients “Reiki on steroids”.

BioEnergy (Zdenko Domancic) was the first type of constructive training I had in energy wellness, I needed the structure to understand the energy I was conducting when working with my children. My youngest daughter burnt herself, she was crying, I was upset, I held her hand and the pain left, she looked as surprised as I felt, burn pain was gone, redness gone, but how; a hollow bone, a hollow reed, a conduit for the energy that is available to everyone; The Christed Energy.

When we set the intention the energy goes where it needs to go, not necessarily what we may want: balancing energy, creating a sacred space, opening a door to meditation, relieving symptoms, bringing peace and understanding.

Drawing from my medical intuitive training, my Crystal Reiki / Reiki training and from my original studies this form of healing has evolved into Bio-Energy Wellness Technique.

You are an active participant in receiving the energy while sitting in a chair, grounded; I become the hollow reed using a non-invasive, non-touch technique the energy path is opened, guided with intention and specific hand techniques for each area of the body that needs energy work, each session lasting fifteen minutes we bring balance to body, mind and spirit. Sessions can be done in person or long distance.  Along with the sessions a balanced healthy lifestyle is encouraged.


This is NOT a replacement for conventional medical treatment offered by physicians. The Bioenergy practitioner does not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder. As such, the practitioner does not prescribe or advise about any medical treatment or condition. Always consult with your doctor about any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention and before adjusting any medication or course of treatment. The information contained on this web site is for educational purposes only.