The Light from the Stars, The Dance of Life

Good morning! Do you like to dance? Da da da da da da da tap tap dahhh (jazz hands!) haha yes you are in partnership with your planet and aligning fully within yourselves and your universe! THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED LIKE THIS BEFORE. We are sorry to use all caps but we want to Emphasize the newness of the new! You are doing the two step with your inner and outer world. You are learning the steps slowly and sometimes you need to restart as anyone learning a new skill would. One two three one two three one two whoops, restart but that is ok! How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Yes practice practice practice! And in the word practice we mean focused intent action to arrive at a goal through joy and movement. You are dancing with your soul and how wonderful it is! Soon your two step will be a waltz and you will be gliding gracefully around your world, which is now inner inner outer inner inner inner outer. The worlds are one more than ever before. The emphasis here is joy! You wanted to learn to dance! You signed up for lessons. Some are frustrated at their progress saying “I’ll never get it” and feeling ready to quit. Remember why you wanted to dance in the first place. Why are you here now? Can you commune with your inner heart and ask your soul, why did you want to be here now? See what answer comes up. Trust that answer. The “answers” you seek are all coming from within, within, within. One two three, one two three, one two three and smile! With all of our love in this new grand ballroom of life, amen. 💃🏻



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