Be To Yourself, The Light from the Stars


Dear ones, this is the great unveiling! It’s shaping up to be quite a season of transformative action isn’t it? We applaud you aplomb and wonder how long it will take you to see your own glorious part in all of this. It does not matter of course, but we are curious about you as well! So what I can tell you is this; it is your propensity to be kind to one another and start allowing the other to be yourself. You are of course familiar with my adage, do unto others that which you do unto yourselves. This needs revision of the translation: that translation is for a different time and a different human, and you are not the same as before. Remember this. You are a new you. So let’s make it be to yourself as you are to others. You are the other of course and there is no distinction, be yourself. Be. There is a lot of power in those few words. Words are tricky of course but the heart speaks its own language and when you speak to each other through the language of love, there veils will fall. There will be no separation. You are from where I sit, simply one great orchestrated symphony of the energy that is dancing and playing around. You are trying on robes and wigs and hats and assigning roles to each other, but ultimately you are one United as one piece of the whole part and the whole part is one piece of all of you. It’s is interwoven like a beautifully spun tapestry. You are not millions of threads, though you are, you are a vital component in the bigger picture in the grand design. You are wondering why I keep mentioning your role in all of this and pointing out your power. Well dear ones as many of you realize more of who and what you truly are, others are having much difficulty at this time, and that frustration in duality reverberate through the entire tapestry. As I told you; you are interwoven. So be patient with “other people” and yourself because this is a challenging time of transformation. Send love everywhere you walk and watch as things start to become light-er and easier and full of love. Change means often old must fall away. Bless it and allow it to. Embrace your new live and your new self. That is all for now dear one. Kindness in every step you walk and we are rooting for you! With love


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